Apprentice Union Plumber

Devan Bald


About Me

Devan Bald, originating from the picturesque city of Round Lake, Illinois, is the epitome of dedication and excellence. Born in Lake Forest, IL, his life story is a rich blend of personal and professional achievements, reflecting an unwavering commitment to his goals and passions. His journey, interwoven with his love for sports, culinary arts, and fishing, paints the picture of a man who consistently strives to go above and beyond.

From a young age, he was drawn to sports, finding in basketball, football, and baseball not just leisure activities but critical components of his character development. His high school years were marked by numerous sports accolades, evidencing his tenacity and hardworking spirit. This early pursuit of excellence set the stage for a life of determination and perseverance.

Simultaneously, he developed a strong passion for cooking. Working as a line cook in various kitchens for five years, he honed his culinary skills, embracing the challenges and rigors of the job. Despite the demanding nature of this work, his dedication never wavered. Over time, however, he chose to shift his culinary pursuits from a professional path to a hobby, particularly enjoying the authenticity and rich flavors of Mexican cuisine.

His professional life significantly turned in 2019 when he began working as a shop hand at Corporate Plumbing. His innate love for practical, hands-on tasks was crucial to his success in this new venture. His dedication to learning and growing in this field led to a well-deserved promotion to plumbing apprentice in Local 130 in Chicago in 2021. This role offered him professional fulfillment and aligned well with his values and work ethic.

Devan Bald’s story, however, isn’t confined to indoor pursuits. His love for the outdoors, particularly bass fishing, is vital to his life. Taught by his father, fishing became more than a hobby; it was a journey into the heart of nature, offering him tranquility and a thrilling challenge. His frequent fishing expeditions, whether in small ponds or vast lakes, became a source of solace and a testament to his enduring love for nature.

Devan Bald


Devan Bald

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